
Hi, I’m Alix, this is my website - it’s a little insight into my life and the many animals I share that life with.

I’ve been surrounded by animals my entire life - all varieties and some better behaved than others. I grew up on a farm, in a farming family and from a young age surrounded by stories of animals. My life has been a medley of the Shropshire landscape, local myths, ghost stories, lots of castles, music lessons, many books, a very big family (so many sisters!), old films, Oliver Reed and a few things more.

After a time at the Royal Agricultural College - seems a long time ago now - and working for different wine merchants, living in Bristol, Ireland and London, I am now back in my home county of Shropshire. I don’t think there is anywhere I could have a greater affection for. I work for an old independent wine merchants, Tanners, in Shrewsbury and on the family farm in South Shropshire. I love writing and painting. I am regularly on BBC Radio Shropshire and now write for Countryside Magazine. I can almost certainly always be found amongst sheep. This site is a big part of that. When I’m not working, I’m usually walking our beloved little old terrier, Serge.

I live in rural South Shropshire with my fiancé, Adam; our afore mentioned terrier, the rather stubborn Serge; and Serge’s partner in crime, Little Tommy Tiddler.

Thanks for visiting, Alix.

A quick glimpse at Tanners backstage, 26 Wyle Cop.

In 2020, I was invited to join Mark Elliot on Radio Shropshire’s ‘The Seven O’Clock Show’ for a regular, end of the month book club. Here is our first chat, broadcast on 28th Feb that year.
